From spas to serenity
Level: A2, B1
Subject: Health
Type: Paid

From spas to serenity

Looking for ways to help your students find their calm and combat stress?  This engaging lesson plan focuses on the art of relaxation, offering a variety of activities to promote peace and well-being.

Here’s what your students will enjoy:

Sparking conversation: Get your class talking with thought-provoking questions about relaxation techniques and their favorite ways to unwind.

Building vocabulary: Expand their vocabulary by completing exercises based on an informative article about the history and benefits of spas.

Testing comprehension: Challenge their understanding of the spa article with a fun comprehension exercise.

Expressing themselves: Encourage creative self-reflection through a writing activity that prompts students to give recommendation to a friend on how to unwind.

This lesson plan provides a well-rounded approach to relaxation, targeting both vocabulary acquisition and practical ways to manage stress. It’s suitable for A2/B1 learners and can be easily adapted to fit your classroom schedule.


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